Residential Shredding
Not all sensitive documents are found in the workplace. In fact, a growing number of documents are located in residences throughout Tennessee and the rest of the United States. With identity theft cases on a concerning, continuous rise, it’s crucial that these confidential documents are properly destroyed.
If you are like most Tennessee residents, you probably have bank statements, brokerage reports, credit card statements and other sensitive personal documents piling up in your home. The ShredPro Secure team can properly destroy those documents. Don’t allow non-certified companies to haul off your sensitive documents. Be secure and let ShredPro Secure destroy your documents on site. Once shred, the material will be recycled so you are not only protecting your identity; you are also protecting our environment.
ShredPro Secure will securely shred your:
- Old receipts
- Junk mail
- Bank and brokerage statements
- Any documents containing your name, address, phone number, social security numbers
Why can’t I dispose of my documents in the trash or recycling bin?
Think about it. If you have not been actively protecting yourself from identity theft, the next time you take out your recycling bin, have a look at what you have just released to the public for possible theft. It could be as simple as an old pay stub, your phone bill from last year, or even worse, it could be your bank statement. These days, thieves need very little information to begin developing a profile on you and begin posing as yourself, possibly getting credit on your behalf or any number of illegal activities.
How often should I shred my personal documents?
Generally, it is recommended that you keep most of your household-related documents such as bills, expense records and financial records for approximately 2 years. Depending on what system of record-keeping you prefer, the amount of documents which may need to be destroyed will vary per household.
A good system of protecting yourself is to set a file box aside which you can easily mark specifically for destruction.
ShredPro Secure is here to help. No shredding job is too big or too small, we handle it all. Find out today just how simple it is to outsource your residential shredding needs, to a professional document destruction company.
Interested in scheduling a shredding job at your residence? Call us today for details.