Are You Up to Date On Compliance?
For any company, individual, or organization that handles sensitive documents, there are certain regulations and laws that must be observed. The specifics can vary from state to state but they all generally cover the same thing; ensuring information is handled and disposed of properly and securely, to limit the risks of identity theft. If you…
Read More Do You Know How to Dispose of Your old Hard Drives Properly?
There’s a misconception out there that deleting files on your computer means that data has been destroyed. The definition of the word “delete” certainly lends weight to the idea that deleting files renders the data beyond the reach of recovery. Unfortunately this is not the case and someone who is committed, has time, and the…
Read More Have You Taken the Time to Shred Old Documents Yet?
Spring time is here! With the passing of winter and the revitalization of nature comes a period of relief, happiness, and cleaning. Windows are opened to let in the breeze, dusters are pulled out, and we finally get to put away jackets and boots. It’s time to get at those chores with the good weather…
Read More Replace Your Office Shredder with Professional Document Shredding
The majority of companies across the United States are now well familiar with the importance behind secure, document disposal habits. In a day where information theft is an increasing concern and occurring all of the time, it’s essential that you are implementing secure, document management practices to protect sensitive information. You store and circulate confidential…
Read More When It Comes to Shredding, One Particular Piece of Paper is Always Critical
Beginning the process of sorting your documents can be arduous, especially if you aren’t sure what you should be shredding, if you don’t have your documents to be shred organized, and if you have concerns regarding the security of the data in the documents. ShredPro Secure understands these concerns and is always seeking to…
Read More Document Shredding and the Legal Aspects
Companies in the United States must follow several laws regarding day-to-day operations. As you may have guessed, some of this legislation directly refers to the secure disposal of sensitive documents, or better yet secure document shredding as a crucial component in protecting information. ShredPro Secure’s team of experts in Knoxville are well aware of the…
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